Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

What to see in Yogyakarta?

What to see in Yogyakarta is the question that is always there to mind the prospective travelers who will visit Yogyakarta as the best culture tourist destination. When looking for travel information in Indonesia, it would appear Yogyakarta. That's right, as Yogyakarta is the popular tourist destination in Indonesia...

What to see in Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta has many tourist spots to see and visit. Yogyakarta offers beautiful natural scenery to be seen and enjoyed. Sunset captivating, limestone caves with stunning scenery, unspoiled white sand beaches, volcanoes to climb, white water rafting for those who like adventure and much more are some of the what to see in Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta is also a tourist area of culture and history to be seen and admired. Yogyakarta Sultanate of Yogyakarta, Taman Sari Water Castle and the spectacular Borobudur temple which is one of the wonders of the world, hundreds temples complex of Prambanan, Sewu temple complex is said to be made in one night, the ancient palace of Boko Queen and hundreds if not thousands of stone temples scattered around the outskirts of the city of Yogyakarta also the spots to be visit. Historical sites from younger era are also to be seen and visited are ancient building from the colonial Dutch heritage and museums.

Yogyakarta is a center of culture and art development in Indonesia. With a joke, a friend that has long been a tourist staying in Yogyakarta said that half of the populations of Yogyakarta are artists. Art shops, galleries, handicraft and souvenir center with the atmosphere of a traditional market are also interesting Yogyakarta tourism spots to see and to visit.

Discussing Yogyakarta tour is not separated from the nearby tourist areas. In the east are Solo or Surakarta and Semarang and Ambarawa at the north. There are also far fewer tourist area of Dieng in Central Java and tourist area Bromo in East Java. Those tourist areas are usually included become destinations in Yogyakarta tour package.

All I have to say here is the standard answer. The question what to see and what to visit in Yogyakarta should to convey to Yogyakarta tour guide and Yogyakarta tour driver because they actually know the exact answer.

contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F

Email: agusrohmad@yahoo.com

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