Rabu, 20 November 2013

Dieng Plateau, the oldest Hindu temples in Java

Dieng Plateau, the oldest Hindu temples in Java - The lofty plateau of Dieng (2093 ASL) is peace home to some of the Hindu temples in Java Islands. Name Dieng comes from Di Hyang (= abode of the Gods) and it's thought that this area once the site of flourishing temple-city of priests.

Most of the temples were built between the 8th - 9th centuries, covered the highland plain, but with the mysterious depopulation of Central Java, this site, was abandoned and forgotten. The eight remaining temples are characteristic of early Central Javanese architecture : stark and quite squat. Until 1856 the archaeologist Van Kinsbergen drained the flooded valley around the temples and catalogued the ruins.

Dieng's beautiful landscape is the main reason to make the long journey to this region. Any number of walks across the volcanically active plateau, the marshy caldera of a collapsed volcano, mineral lakes, steaming craters or even the highest village in Java : Sembungan Village (2300 m ASL) that has awesome attractive sunrise seeing at Mount Sikunir.

If you want to go to Dieng and want to fully enjoying the beautiful landscape, scenery, sunrise, crater, temples, I recomended if you stay overnight at Dieng. Means, after you finished at Borobudur in the morning then you continued straight go to Dieng. So, please you make discuss with us before you make any booking hotels during you are in Yogyakarta for completelly visit Dieng Plateau.

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F

Email: agusrohmad@yahoo.com

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