Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Watch a Jogja Cultural Performance

Excellent Jogja Driver

Watch a Jogja Cultural Performance

Watch a Jogja Cultural Performance Excellent Jogja Driver +62 819 1553 4286 Jogjakarta’s the perfect place to get your fill of Java’s culture. The daily cultural performances at the Kraton (see above) let you schedule a show on any day within your visit. You can also watch a show at a diverse number of venues throughout the city: some silver shops offer a wayang performance on the side, allowing you to get your cultural and shopping fix in a single place.

Jogja Cultural Performance

Jogja Cultural Performance

The Ramayana also serves as the basis for a number of shows around the city – try seeing the Ramayana at the Prambanan grounds. For the show schedule, check out their official site. For the basic plot of the Ramayana as performed elsewhere in Indonesia, read our article on the kecak dance in Bali.

Excellent Jogja Driver  For further information,

please contact us here :

Contact person : Agus Rohmad

Email :  agusrohmad@yahoo.com

Telp/SMS/WA: +62 819 155 342 86

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Excellent Jogja Driver

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